Sunday, October 12, 2014

Newsletter October 13

Homework is due at 8 am each morning or upon arrival. Late spelling and worldly wise work receives a zero; other work receives 25% off daily.
School Carnival: Looking forward to a fun time!  Would anyone like to volunteer in helping with the ping-pong table?  If so, please sign up for a time slot between 5:30 to 8 pm.  The sign-up sheet is near the classroom door, or email
Field trip:  We had a blast (pun intended) from the smooth bus ride of ascending above the clouds; video show of Mt. Saint Helens before and after the eruption; live viewing of its devastation and steam-emitting, decapitated summit; interactive presentation of rocks and minerals of their porosity, level of iron vs. silica, weight and size; pleasant lunch while soaking in the rays of the sun; circuitous yet rejuvenating and breath-taking (both physically and aesthetically), 2-1/2 mile hike while marching to the tunes of Biblical chants; and the volunteers— Mrs. Brimmer, Mrs. Frey, Mrs. George, Mr. Hansen, Mrs. Merritt, and Mrs. Nichols—who selflessly made the trip safer and more enjoyable.  The field trip was not only a success but one that will not easily be forgotten.  Thank you to all who prayed for us! 
What we are learning …
Bible Lessons on “Joseph Forgives.” Don’t forget the Bible Memory Verse Test for next Monday due to no school (16th and 17th). 
Math Lessons 16-20 will be tested Tuesday.  Lessons 24-26 (dollars, parentheses, lifting factors of whole numbers, and practicing the division algorithm) will build on principals learned from the previous ones. 
History This week we are beginning a new, in-depth chapter, detailing the Ancient Middle East.  The sections include where history began; homes of ancient times; daily life in ancient city; the people (Phoenicians, Hittites, Lydians, and Israelites), and the empires (Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian).
Science This past week we began a new chapter on Fossils and Dinosaurs using independent reading, quick check and Q&A games. Also, we were able to get a hands-on look into rocks and minerals (previous chapter) from the field trip to Mt. Saint Helens!
Health Due to no school (16th-17th), the Heart and the Circulatory system open textbook test will be next Friday
Reading Continue independently reading 20 min. daily and recording on your monthly reading log.  We began working on the book project piece-by-piece in class for Brother Andrew: God's Secret Agent. They are working on the rough draft in class where they can refer to the novel and ask me any questions. Once we have completed each part of the project, the students will take their rough draft, written and drawn portion home for editing and final drafting. 
          During the editing process, I welcome parents to help with the conventions (grammar, punctuation, and spelling) and mechanics of the writing pieces.  However, I highly discourage parents from "re-writing" the content.  I do not expect doctorate papers, but I expect to see that your child was following along with the reading of the novel in class.  Thus, this project will measure your child's work and understanding of the novel as it applies to his or her comprehension and language arts (grammar) grade.  Paper bags will be provided.  The final project will be due Tuesday, October 28.
Spelling and Vocabulary (Worldly Wise) activities and tests are due Wednesday’s with spelling each week and Worldly Wise every other week (see back).  Late work not be accepted because we are pressing on to the next list once the old one is done. 

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